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As the Internet has evolved from an occasional-use resource to a pervasive, always-on broadband ecosystem, the networking technologies underpinning it have developed faster than legal and regulatory frameworks can adjust. This has led to complex policy challenges that must be overcome to ensure that networks of the future can develop to their fullest potential. ITIF advocates for policies to accelerate deployment, access, and adoption of high-speed Internet, and encourage continued network innovation.


Podcast: Grading State BEAD Plans, With Jessica Dine

ITIF policy analyst Jessica Dine appeared on LightReading’s podcast The Divide to discuss her report evaluating and grading state proposals for the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program, and how she determined if each state is set to succeed with BEAD.

Sustain Affordable Connectivity By Ending Obsolete Broadband Programs

Sustain Affordable Connectivity By Ending Obsolete Broadband Programs

New broadband funding programs necessitate dramatic reforms to old programs. We should reverse the status quo and sustain the Affordable Connectivity Program by shrinking the redundant hodgepodge of federal broadband programs.

The State of US Broadband in 2022: Reassessing the Whole Picture

The State of US Broadband in 2022: Reassessing the Whole Picture

In absolute terms, the United States is among the world’s leaders in deploying fast broadband, and it does so at competitive prices. But there is room for improvement on broadband adoption.

More Publications and Events

September 3, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: Increase in Access to Broadband Internet in American Counties Results in a Decrease in Suicides

A recent working paper found that a 10 percent increase in broadband Internet access among county residents leads to 0.11 fewer suicide deaths per county, a 1.02 percent reduction in suicides overall.

August 26, 2024|Blogs

NTIA's Middle-Class Affordability Requirement Is Bad For Consumers

The NTIA’s “Middle-Class Affordability” requirement for BEAD undermines the program’s goal of universal broadband access by diverting funds and potentially imposing rate regulation, ultimately harming consumers by stifling competition and reducing deployment efficiency.

August 12, 2024|Blogs

Consumers Will Be On the End of the CPUC Regulatory Sledgehammer

While the intent behind these regulations is commendable, in practice they are too rigid and will be prove counterproductive, hurting consumers.

July 15, 2024|Features

Exploring Maine’s State Broadband Initiative, With Brian Allenby

Access America Series, Episode 4: Jess talks to Brian Allenby, program operations and communications director for the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA), about the state’s progress on BEAD and the challenge of serving rugged and remote communities.

July 8, 2024|Features

Making Broadband Affordable, With Jake Varn

Access America Series, Episode 3: Jess talks to Jake Varn, an associate manager with Pew’s broadband access initiative, about the “low-cost option” in BEAD, how states can implement it, and how it interacts with federal low-income broadband programs.

July 1, 2024|Features

Building Michigan’s State Broadband Plan, With Jessica Randall

Access America Series, Episode 2: Jess discusses the challenges and opportunities of BEAD for the state of Michigan with Jessica Randall of Michigan’s broadband office.

June 26, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments Before the European Commission Regarding How to Master Europe's Digital Infrastructure Needs

Europe has the potential to dramatically improve the productivity of it communications infrastructure and allow the market to better serve citizens’ needs.

June 24, 2024|Features

Securing Federally Funded Networks, With Chris Oatway

Access America Series, Episode 1: Jess talks with Verizon’s Chris Oatway about the BEAD program’s cybersecurity requirements and whether they’re enough to keep new networks secure.

June 10, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Regarding Supporting Content Through Base Contributions

There is no free lunch to be found by imposing base contributions on foreign online undertakings to fund the government’s preferred content. The Commission should reckon with the economic realities of its proposal rather than obscuring them behind anti-foreign rhetoric.

June 3, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: Mobile Broadband Access Helped Reduce COVID-19 Cases in Indonesia by 25 Percent

A recent working paper suggests that mobile broadband access had a significant effect in reducing COVID-19 cases.

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