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Climate-Tech Commercialization

Innovation is central to addressing global climate change while increasing economic growth, boosting international competitiveness, and eliminating energy poverty. ITIF’s Center for Clean Energy Innovation seeks to accelerate the transition of the domestic and global energy systems to low-carbon resources. In the area of climate-tech commercialization, our research focuses on policies to accelerate adoption of clean-energy and emissions-reducing technologies and practices.


Beyond Force: A Realist Pathway Through the Green Transition

Beyond Force: A Realist Pathway Through the Green Transition

Trying to force adoption of clean energy with subsidies, regulations, and exhortations will fail. The only realistic way to spur the green transition is to develop clean technologies that can reach effective price and performance parity with dirty ones. Then markets will adopt them at scale.

The Hydrogen Hubs Conundrum: How to Fund an Ecosystem

The Hydrogen Hubs Conundrum: How to Fund an Ecosystem

Recent federal legislation provides $8 billion to develop at least four hydrogen hubs, but little guidance. DOE should focus its funding on the capital costs of hydrogen production and infrastructure, while generally eschewing operating expenses and support for end users.

More Publications and Events

August 1, 2024|Presentations

The Nuclear Frontier, Securing America’s Energy Future

Stephen Ezell joined an expert panel hosted by The Hill to discuss how nuclear power can help the United States meet unprecedented electricity demand and examine the path ahead after the ADVANCE Act.

July 29, 2024|Reports & Briefings

How Innovative Is China in the Electric Vehicle and Battery Industries?

China is at the global forefront of the electric vehicle (EV) and EV battery industries. Its firms produce nearly two-thirds of the world’s EVs and more than three-quarters of EV batteries. They also have produced notable innovations in EV products, processes, and customer experiences.

May 28, 2024|Reports & Briefings

US State and Regional Energy Innovation Index

Vibrant regional energy innovation ecosystems are important for any national net-zero strategy. But to understand the potential contributions they can make to the price and performance of clean energy technologies, we must first benchmark the resources they bring to bear.

May 13, 2024|Podcasts

Podcast: Embracing Innovation Is the Ultimate Key to Tackling Climate Change, With Robin Gaster

Climate change is a global problem, with two polarized viewpoints making it difficult to find a solution.

May 10, 2024|Op-Eds & Contributed Articles

New DOE Foundation Should Think Big

Establishing the Foundation for Energy Security and Innovation (FESI) was a vital initial step, but its value will depend on what happens next.

March 13, 2024|Reports & Briefings

How Federal Funding for Basic Research Spurs Clean Energy Discoveries the World Needs: Eight Case Studies

We need new breakthroughs in clean energy technology to address climate change. Recent discoveries in areas such as nuclear fusion and biofuels illustrate how government investment in early-stage research is a critical part of the process.

March 6, 2024|Op-Eds & Contributed Articles

Let’s Be Realistic About Green Hydrogen

Like any new technology, green hydrogen must meet three related challenges: production, distribution and adoption. But it faces far higher-than-advertised hurdles at every stage.

February 12, 2024|Op-Eds & Contributed Articles

The Blue Hydrogen Bubble Must Burst

In order for blue hydrogen to decarbonize hard-to-reach sectors like aviation, heavy trucks, shipping, steel, and cement, blue hydrogen must slash costs and effectively capture and either store or use the carbon that’s generated.

January 16, 2024|Reports & Briefings

A Realist Approach to Hydrogen

Clean hydrogen is expensive to produce, difficult to transport, and a second- or third-best clean energy solution in almost all proposed markets. To help drive the global green transition, a realist approach to hydrogen policy must address all these practical challenges.

January 8, 2024|Blogs

What COP28 Missed: A Realist Climate Policy

Instead of magical thinking that starts with a conclusion and works backward, we need a strategic framework that encourages smart decisions on priorities and maximizes the return on scarce political capital—a strategy that connects the economics, technology, and politics of the green transition.

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