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As every sector of the global economy and nearly every facet of modern society undergo digital transformation, ITIF advocates for policies that spur not just the development of IT innovations, but more importantly their adoption and use throughout the economy. In the area of cybersecurity, ITIF studies how governments and the private sector can improve the security and resiliency of computers and networks.


Europe’s Cloud Security Regime Should Focus on Technology, Not Nationality

Europe’s Cloud Security Regime Should Focus on Technology, Not Nationality

The EU’s new cloud cybersecurity regime should focus on good security practices, as the U.S. FedRAMP regime does. Emulating China’s protectionist focus on firm nationality is a bad security practice that weakens transatlantic influence over cybersecurity issues globally.

The Effect of International Proposals for Monitoring Obligations on End-To-End Encryption

The Effect of International Proposals for Monitoring Obligations on End-To-End Encryption

European and U.S. policymakers have proposed imposing monitoring obligations on Internet intermediaries to improve online safety. Despite their best efforts, these proposals risk undermining users’ privacy by eliminating the use of end-to-end encryption. Therefore, policymakers should not pursue them.

More Publications and Events

July 26, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments Before NIST Regarding Preliminary Research on Cybersecurity and Privacy Standards for Immersive Technologies

Digital identity should play a key role in shaping the governance structures in immersive technologies and NIST is well placed to lead this charge.

July 15, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to Brazil’s National Data Protection Authority Regarding Processing of Personal Data of Children and Adolescents

A combination of privacy-protective age verification systems utilizing digital forms of identification and AI, parental controls that are readily available and easy to use, and greater transparency from digital platforms would increase children’s safety and privacy, encourage innovation in improved safety and privacy controls, and better inform policymakers and parents on next steps to protect children.

April 29, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to the Department of Commerce Regarding the Use of US IaaS for Malicious Cyber Activities

There are fundamental flaws in this proposed regulation. If the Biden administration does not revise or rescind these problematic provisions, it will create new trade and cybersecurity issues for U.S. cloud providers and put the U.S. cloud computing industry at a competitive disadvantage.

April 22, 2024|Reports & Briefings

Technical and Legal Criteria for Assessing Cloud Trustworthiness

Global data and technology governance will be challenging without cooperation on cloud trustworthiness. Policymakers should avoid simplistic assessments based on nationality and instead develop more holistic assessments based on legal and technical criteria.

March 28, 2024|Reports & Briefings

Why the United States and EU Should Seize the Moment to Cooperate on Cybersecurity Labeling for IoT Devices

The United States and European Union should work through the Trade and Technology Council to align their respective cybersecurity labeling programs for the Internet of Things rather than allowing IoT security to become another technical barrier to trade and technology cooperation.

February 20, 2024|Reports & Briefings

How Congress Can Foster a Digital Single Market in America

In areas ranging from data privacy to content moderation, states are creating patchworks of regulation that confuse consumers, complicate compliance, and undermine the digital economy. It’s time for Congress to step in and establish a consistent national approach to digital policy.

February 2, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Testimony to the Alaska State Senate Regarding AI, Deepfakes, Cybersecurity, and Data Transfers

Advancements in AI are creating many opportunities to use the technology for beneficial purposes across virtually every sector, and people will undoubtedly find many useful applications for AI in elections and government agencies in the years ahead.

January 8, 2024|Podcasts

Podcast: We Need to Remain Proactive About Supporting Digital Free Trade, With Nigel Cory

Forced local data storage requirements are at the heart of both digital protectionism and digital authoritarianism.

August 5, 2023|Presentations

Critical Infrastructure and the State of Cyber Threats

Nigel Cory provides keynote remarks at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Workshop on Cybersecurity Considerations in Critical Infrastructure.

June 6, 2023|Op-Eds & Contributed Articles

Should Software Companies Be Held Liable for Security Flaws?

Imposing liability on software companies would likely do more harm than good. Companies would pass on those costs to customers, raising costs for everyone with no guarantee of better security.

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