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Public Safety

As every sector of the global economy and nearly every facet of modern society undergo digital transformation, ITIF advocates for policies that spur not just the development of IT innovations, but more importantly their adoption and use throughout the economy. In the area of public safety, ITIF studies how technological advances in areas such as data analytics and high-quality video can enhance national security and emergency response to promote public safety.


Police Tech: Exploring the Opportunities and Fact-Checking the Criticisms

Police Tech: Exploring the Opportunities and Fact-Checking the Criticisms

Police tech could transform the way law enforcement operates, reducing crime and saving lives. Policymakers should focus on advancing adoption while enacting regulations to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of police tech.

More Publications and Events

September 23, 2024|Reports & Briefings

The Path to Digital Identity in the United States

Digital IDs are a more convenient, secure, and versatile option than physical IDs, but few Americans currently have one. With the right investments and collaboration between federal and state governments, Americans could realize the full potential of digital IDs.

August 12, 2024|Reports & Briefings

How Experts in China and the United Kingdom View AI Risks and Collaboration

As AI continues to advance, the technology has created many opportunities and risks. Despite significant geopolitical differences, a series of interviews with AI experts in China and the United Kingdom reveals common AI safety priorities, shared understanding of the benefits and risks of open source AI, and agreement on the merits of closer collaboration—but also obstacles to closer partnerships.

April 30, 2024|Blogs

The Shift in Rhetoric on AI and Biothreats Is a Lesson on the Risks of Premature Regulation

The about-face the scientific, academic, and tech communities have made on the risks of large language models (LLMs) creating biothreats should serve as a stark reminder for policymakers about the pitfalls of premature regulation.

February 20, 2024|Reports & Briefings

How Congress Can Foster a Digital Single Market in America

In areas ranging from data privacy to content moderation, states are creating patchworks of regulation that confuse consumers, complicate compliance, and undermine the digital economy. It’s time for Congress to step in and establish a consistent national approach to digital policy.

February 6, 2024|Blogs

Congress' Blame Game Won't Keep Children Safe Online

The Senate Committee on the Judiciary's most recent “Big Tech” hearing on online child sexual exploitation highlighted everything wrong with the current debate surrounding children’s online safety.

November 15, 2023|Events

Children on Social Media and the Multistate Lawsuit Against Meta

Watch now for a panel discussion on the facts of the case, the claims against Meta, and how this lawsuit fits into the broader discussion over content moderation, privacy, children’s safety, and the responsibilities of social media platforms.

November 15, 2023|Testimonies & Filings

Testimony to the Baltimore City Council Committee on Health, Environment, and Technology Regarding Facial Recognition Technology

Facial recognition has increased public safety, convenience for consumers and security for businesses.

October 23, 2023|Blogs

Combating Organized Retail Crime Will Require More Than Targeting High-value Shoplifting

Congress should amend the Combating Organized Retail Crime Act to underscore the differences between shoplifting and organized retail crime while empowering law enforcement to find and target stolen goods on online resale platforms.

September 28, 2023|Blogs

Maybe Everything Isn’t Tech’s Fault

Two recent headlines show that critics will go to absurd lengths to condemn tech, and policymakers should be wary of the potential consequences of so much misplaced blame.

May 10, 2023|Blogs

Stopping Child Sexual Abuse Online Should Start With Law Enforcement

STOP CSAM Act of 2023 is not an effective solution for protecting children and would come at the cost of decreased privacy and security for all users. Instead, Congress should focus on enabling law enforcement to more effectively protect victims and punish the perpetrators who create, solicit, or enable child sexual abuse material.

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