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September 25, 2024|Blogs

Draghi’s Competitiveness Report Shows Why the EU Needs a Pro-Innovation Approach Towards AI

The EU should adopt a more flexible, innovation-driven approach to AI regulation to boost global competitiveness, according to the European Competitiveness Report by Mario Draghi.

September 25, 2024|Blogs

Twelve Tax Reforms to Spur Innovation and Competitiveness

U.S. tax policy needs to prioritize innovation and competitiveness—especially as China rapidly gains ground as a leading innovator in advanced industries.

September 24, 2024|Blogs, Blogs

Europe Should Tap Switzerland to Unlock LLM Innovation in the Continent

As the United States commands the field with English-language large language models (LLMs) and China climbs the ranks to secure the lead in models for Chinese-language tasks, Europe is barely in the game when it comes to mastering models for its own languages.

September 23, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: Over 13 Percent of Firms That Use Artificial Intelligence Have Expanded Their Workforce

Data from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics shows that 13.7 percent of firms who use artificial intelligence experienced an increase in total employment.

September 23, 2024|Blogs

We Need an Allied Effort to Establish New Global Manufacturing Hubs to Compete With China

China accounted for 35 percent of global manufacturing as of 2023. The United States and Western allies should launch a global competition to establish competing manufacturing hubs in countries that commit to reforming restrictive regulations, reducing corruption, boosting skill development, and ensuring adequate financial incentives and infrastructure.

September 23, 2024|Blogs

Why Is the EU So Reticent About Challenging Beijing?

The European Union needs to pay a short-term price for long-term gain by standing alongside the United States in taking tough action to hold China accountable for its IP theft, dumping, and over-subsidizing.

September 20, 2024|Op-Eds & Contributed Articles

Advancing US-Japan Economic Security Partnership and Countering Chinese Economic Coercion

The United States and Japan must make a concerted effort to mutually advance their economic security and counter Chinese economic coercion, while bringing other allied nations aboard the enterprise to the greatest extent possible.

September 19, 2024|Blogs

Beyond What Meets the Eye: How SELENA+ is Revolutionizing the Detection of Eye Diseases

Selena is transforming eye care by leveraging AI to detect diseases like diabetic retinopathy with unprecedented accuracy, helping to diagnose issues early and prevent blindness, thus improving patient outcomes and offering more access globally.

September 18, 2024|Blogs

Why Watermarking Text Fails to Stop Misinformation and Plagiarism

The rise of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, has transformed text creation but also raises concerns about misuse, including plagiarism and misinformation. While some propose watermarking to label AI-generated content, this approach is technically flawed and ineffective, failing to address the root causes of these issues; instead, more comprehensive strategies are needed to combat misinformation and promote academic integrity.

September 16, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: AI Rice Farming Technology in Nigeria Reduces Water Use by 30 Percent

A new irrigation technology incorporating AI sensors reduces water use by 30 percent and methane emissions by 47 percent compared to continuous irrigation methods.

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