Publications: Adams Nager
April 19, 2017
Trump’s Review of H-1B Visas Should Make a Good Program Better
As long as the administration recognizes the need to continue attracting the world’s best and brightest—and takes a careful, “mend it, don’t end it” approach to carrying out the president’s order—the result can be beneficial for the U.S. economy, writes Adams Nager on MarketWatch.
March 17, 2017
Trump’s Cuts to Federal Science Funding Will Mean Less Industry R&D, Not More
President Trump assumes crowded out private investment will restore R&D expenditures after deep budget cuts, but evidence disagrees, writes Adams Nager in Innovation Files.
March 17, 2017
Architecting an Innovation-Maximizing Global Economic and Trade System
The international community needs to work assiduously to architect a global innovation system supported by innovation-empowering trade rules and well-constructed domestic policies to spur innovation.
February 22, 2017
Can U.S. Manufacturing Be Made Great Again?
It’s time to change the narrative that U.S. manufacturing jobs are being lost to robots in a rapid shift to high-tech “factories of the future” that pushes U.S. manufacturing output to an all-time high, write Adams Nager and Rob Atkinson in IndustryWeek.
February 13, 2017
Trade vs. Productivity: What Caused U.S. Manufacturing’s Decline and How to Revive It
Automation was not the primary culprit behind manufacturing job losses, and now too little automation is depressing U.S. output and leading to stagnation in U.S. manufacturing.
February 6, 2017
A Tale of Two Trading Partners: Why U.S. Trade With Mexico and China Could Not Be More Different
The differences in the United States’ relationship with these two nations shows the need for a more nuanced discussion on trade, writes Adams Nager in Innovation Files.
January 17, 2017
Is the United States Immune to Dutch Disease?
Adams Nager writes in Innovation Files that as the United States celebrates an oil boom, the question must be asked: Is the United States immune to Dutch Disease?
January 3, 2017
End the Conspiracy of Silence
Adams Nager writes in International Economy that the election of Donald Trump was a body blow to the so-called “Washington trade consensus,” a coherent, if intellectually flawed, set of beliefs which holds that trade always benefits the U.S. economy and that any efforts to restrict it, even in the service of ensuring that our trading partners play by the rules, by definition is detrimental to economic growth.
November 28, 2016
High-Tech Nation: How Technological Innovation Shapes America’s 435 Congressional Districts
America’s innovation-driven, high-tech economy isn’t concentrated around a few hubs like Silicon Valley; it is widely diffused—and every state and congressional district has a stake in its success.
October 17, 2016
Does Inequality Hinge on Too Much Automation or Not Enough?
Too little, not too much, technology may be responsible for slow median wage growth that frustrates voters this election, writes Adams Nager in Innovation Files.