The Rise of the New Mercantilists
Event Summary
Technology is a key area of competitive advantage for the U.S. economy. Yet, our lead is anything but secure as the global competition for technology-based jobs has intensified. Unfortunately, rather than compete fairly for these jobs, many nations have turned to a host of unfair and protectionist policies focused on systematically disadvantaging foreign, including U.S., technology companies in global competition. Without stronger U.S. actions to confront this new technology protectionism, future U.S. technology leadership is at risk. This event systematically documented the myriad practices to which other nations have resorted. The speakers outlined specific steps Congress and the Administration can take to combat this new wave of technology protectionism.
The event featured remarks by Congressman Artur Davis, 7th District, Alabama, with presentations from Dr. Robert Atkinson, President of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, and Julie Hedlund, Senior Analyst with ITIF.