Open Forum on U.S. and OECD Innovation Policy
Event Summary
Around the globe and here at home policymakers are increasingly recognizing the critical importance of innovation and innovation policy. Not only has innovation become vitally important—for companies and countries alike—in gaining or retaining competitive advantage, innovation is key to solving a host of pressing societal challenges. Moreover, innovation policy is evolving to reflect changes in the innovation system and the increasingly sophisticated approaches of its practitioners.
In May, the OECD issued a major new report introducing an OECD Innovation Strategy. In addition, the Obama Administration is working to develop its innovation strategy 2.0, to build on the innovation policy white paper, A Strategy for American Innovation: Driving Towards Sustainable Growth and Quality Jobs, it released in September 2009.
In this event, ITIF hosts the key players in both these efforts. Karen Kornbluh, US Ambassador to the OECD, and Andrew Wyckoff, OECD Director of Science, Technology and Industry, will present conclusions from the new OECD Innovation Strategy. Aneesh Chopra, US Chief Technology Officer, will present the Obama Administration’s innovation policy approach and discuss implications of the OECD report.