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Gold-Standard or WTO-Lite?: Shaping the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Wednesday, May 25, 201109:00 AM to 10:30 AM EST
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation1101 K Street NWSuite 610A Washington District Of Columbia, 20005

Event Summary

The Administration is currently negotiating U.S. entrance into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a new vehicle for trade and economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region including Australia, Chile, Peru, New Zealand, Vietnam, and others. It is imperative that in the TPP the U.S. negotiates a strong, comprehensive accession agreement that includes the highest standards of intellectual property protection, eliminates non-tariff barriers such as standards manipulation, achieves transparency on government procurement provisions, and ensures that U.S. standards and laws are reflected in the agreement. Will the Trans-Pacific Partnership be a gold-standard trade pact—or WTO lite? In this event, ITIF host an all-star panel as we release a new paper and discuss how the United States should craft the TPP as a model trade agreement for the 21st century.


Robert D.
Robert D. Atkinson@RobAtkinsonITIF
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Grant D.
Grant D. Aldonas
Principal Managing Director
Split Rock International
Karan K.
Karan K. Bhatia
VP and Senior Counsel, International Law and Policy
General Electric
Brian Pomper
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
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