What Would Pro-Growth Corporate Tax Reform Look Like?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011, 08:30 AM to 9:45 AM EST
Rayburn House Office Building45 Independence Ave SWRoom B340 Washington District Of Columbia, 20515
Event Summary
There is a growing consensus in Washington that now is the time for comprehensive corporate tax reform. Such reform, if enacted, could easily be the most important economic policy decision Washington makes over the course of the next few years and its effects would likely have long term and important implications for the future health of U.S. economy. In this event, American Action Forum and ITIF host a discussion of how corporate tax reform can help drive U.S. economic recovery and long-term growth.

Robert D. Atkinson@RobAtkinsonITIF
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Presenter (View Presentation)

Peter R. Merrill
Director of the National Economics & Statistics Group
Respondent (View Presentation)