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Health Care Innovation in a Time of Fiscal Austerity

Health Care Innovation in a Time of Fiscal Austerity
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 - 10:00 AM to Thursday, November 3, 2011 - 11:59 AM EST
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation1101 K Street NWSuite 610A Washington District Of Columbia, 20005

Event Summary

In both America and Europe increasing fiscal pressures are requiring a rethinking of many policy areas, including health care. And yet historically, America and Europe's leadership in life sciences innovation was linked in part to adequate expenditures on health care. Today that link is being challenged. As a result, policy makers who seek to control costs while enabling the needed advances in life sciences innovation must address new critical questions: How can healthcare benefit from the innovation which is typical of a free market economy? Is there a way in today's world to allow as many possible people to access up-to-date cures while not adding to the ever increasing burden on state finances?

Please join the Instituto Bruno Leoni and the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation as a team of international experts host a forum to investigate the future of international healthcare systems, in the context of what looks like a permanent fiscal crisis. We will focus on alternatives developed so far to combine the essential goals of access, sustainability, and innovation— in a global context which is, in the West, shaped by the rise of life expectancy and the shrinking of government resources.


Carlo Cottarelli
Director of Fiscal Affairs
International Monetary Fund
Nicholas Eberstadt
Henry Wendt Scholar
American Enterprise Institute
L. Val
L. Val Giddings@prometheusgreen
Senior Fellow
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Abraham Klink
Former Health Care Minister
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Robert D.
Robert D. Atkinson@RobAtkinsonITIF
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Alberto Mingardi
General Director
Bruno Leoni Institute
Michael Mandel
Chief Economic Strategist
Progressive Policy Institute
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