ITIF Search

Internet Platform Competition and Market Convergence

Wednesday, April 18, 201212:00 PM to 1:15 PM EST
Rayburn House Office BuildingConstitution Avenue and 1st Street NEB-318 Washington District Of Columbia, 20001

Event Summary

How does competition work in the mobile Internet economy? Traditional anti-trust analysis stove-pipes the players in this dynamic ecosystem in a way that fails to capture the complex interplay of networks, apps, handsets, services, and content. Jonathan Sallet has developed an analysis that more fully portrays competition and cooperation in our new world, the "value circle" concept. Sallet shows that the enablers of mobile apps play multiple roles, often acting as both users and suppliers of services. This insight leads to a more sophisticated understanding of market concentration and innovation opportunities.

Join us for a lively discussion of competition in the mobile Internet with Jonathan Sallet, a partner in the law firm of O'Melveny & Myers LLC, Richard Bennett, Senior Research Fellow of the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, and Anna-Maria Kovacs, Visiting Senior Policy Scholar at Georgetown University's Center for Business and Public Policy.


Richard Bennett
Former Staff
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Anna-Maria Kovacs
Visiting Senior Policy Scholar
Georgetown Center for Business & Public Policy
Jonathan Sallet
O'Melveny and Meyers LLP
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