Confronting Global Anti-Competitive Market Distortions
Event Summary
Recent years have seen a significant increase in the extent of anti-competitive market distortions (ACMDs), particularly in emerging economies such as Brazil, China, and India. These practices, such as forced technology transfer or local production as a condition of market access, IP theft, compulsory licensing of IP, restrictions on cross-border data flows, and standards manipulation, all distort trade and investment and damage the global economy.
This event will include the release of a major report which documents the extent of anti-competitive market distortions U.S. enterprises face in global markets and offers policy responses to address the problem. The event will further discuss how the United States can lead development of a new global trade regime that favors rules- and market-based trade while supporting the modern knowledge- and innovation-based global economy.
This event is free, open to the public and complies with ethics rules.