Accelerating Sustainability: Maximizing the Benefits of Connected Cars
Event Summary
The age of the intelligent vehicle is here. Every day new technologies are being announced that allow us to save time, fuel, and emissions when we travel. We are bringing experts together to identify and describe some of the most promising technologies on the market and discuss how government policy can extend their benefits to our communities and our planet. The first of two panels will be "Connected Cars are Cleaner Cars." Please join us for a great discussion!
Panel 1: Connected Cars are Cleaner Cars
Jason Harrison, Director, Emerging Enterprises and Partnerships, AT&T
Harry Lightsey, Executive Director, Global Connected Consumer
Leo McCloskey, Senior Vice President, Technical Programs, ITS America
Eric Berkobin, Vice President, Engineering, Verizon Telematics
Moderator: Matthew Stepp, Executive Director, Center for Clean Energy Innovation
Panel 2: Policy Drivers & the Future of the Connected Car
Mary Brown, Director, Government Affairs, Cisco
Hilary Cain, Director, Tech and Innovation Policy, Toyota
Catherine McCullough, Executive Director, Intelligent Car Coalition
Paul Feenstra, Senior Vice President for Government and External Affairs, ITS America
Jules Polonetsky, Executive Director and Co-Chair, Future of Privacy Forum
Moderator: Dean Garfield, President & CEO, Information Technology Industry Council