The Role of the DOE National Labs in the 21st Century Innovation Economy
Event Summary
The Department of Energy’s National Laboratory system was originally developed around the Manhattan Project to assist in research related to the development of nuclear weapons. However, while the Labs’ image is often still based on this history, today the system is a central cog in America’s broader innovation ecosystem and a national driver of scientific and economic development. In fact, the Labs currently conduct more than $12.5 billion in publicly funded R&D annually on a wide range of national issues, including high performance computing, energy innovation and manufacturing.
Please join the House Science and National Laboratory Caucus, the Center for Clean Energy Innovation, and a panel of experts to discuss the fundamental role the Labs play in spurring U.S. innovation and the leading capabilities and research currently being developed.
Coffee and refreshments will be served and the event is free, open to the public and complies with ethics rules.