Next-Generation R&D Partnerships: The NCATS Success Story
Event Summary
A major challenge for federally funded research and technology is bridging the so-called "valley of death" - a state of development where many promising discoveries die because they are not sufficiently advanced to attract private sector partners or venture funding even though they may have tremendous potential impact. This problem plagues many capital-intensive technologies, such as clean energy and biotechnology.
It's particularly serious when dealing with rare or neglected diseases where developing new treatments can literally mean the difference between life and death. As a result, the National Institutes of Health established the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), which is working to improve the process of translating scientific and clinical discoveries into interventions that improve human health. To-date, NCATS has formed high-impact R&D partnerships that are revolutionizing how government agencies can remove barriers to commercialization, spur innovation, and provide greater returns to the American taxpayers from the billions of dollars invested in the federal research system.
Please join the House Technology Transfer Caucus, the Center for Clean Energy Innovation, the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation and a panel of leading experts to discuss the NCATS technology transfer model, successful case studies, and lessons learned for other government agencies.
The event is free, open to the public and complies with ethics rules.