Engineers’ View of Network Management, Specialized Services, and Net Neutrality
Event Summary
On the eve of the FCC vote on the legal framework of its Open Internet Order, ITIF gathers a panel of expert engineers to discuss their views on network management and net neutrality. Notably absent from the last year of net neutrality debate was a rigorous, scientific definition of terms. For example, what do we mean by a “fast lane”? Other questions will persist, regardless of the legal path the FCC chooses: What techniques or practices are involved in network management, and how should we determine if they are reasonable? Are there ways to ensure quality of service without negatively impacting other applications? What trade-offs are foreclosed by a rigid net neutrality regime? How should we approach regulation of specialized services, if at all?
The event is free, open to the public and complies with ethics rules. This event will be live webcast on this page and recorded. If you have any technical questions regarding the live webcast please email [email protected]. Google Chrome and Internet Explorer are the best browsers to view the webcast. Another portal to view the webcast is here.