The Year Ahead in Drone Innovation
Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM EST
Capitol Visitor Center SVC 209-081st Street NEWashington District Of Columbia, 20510
Event Summary
With the launch of the FAA’s drone registry and forthcoming rules, this year will likely be a turning point in the development of unmanned aircraft systems in the United States. As this technology proliferates, policymakers will be grappling with many important questions, such as how to protect consumer safety and security and whether to set rules at the federal level or state level? How will these new rules affect commercial drone usage? And how can policymakers expedite the arrival of drone delivery services for consumers?
Please join ITIF and an expert panel for a look at the year ahead in drone policy.

Daniel Castro@castrotech
Vice President and Director, Center for Data Innovation
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

Bill Crozier
Deputy Director, Office of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration
Federal Aviation Administration

Tom McMahon
Vice President of Advocacy and Public Affairs
Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International