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2018 Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance Summit

Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 10:00 AM to Friday, May 18, 2018 - 6:59 PM CET
Pirelli TowerVia Fabio Filzi, 22 Pirelli RoomMilan Milano, 20214

Event Summary

The Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance Summit will last from 10AM-6:45PM.


10:00-10:20AM – Introductory Remarks and Welcome to Conference

Speakers: Robert Atkinson, Pietro Paganini, Stefano Da Empoli

10:20-10:30AM - Welcome Greeting

Speaker: Alessandro Fermi, President, Lombardy Regional Council

10:30AM-12:30PM – Industry 4.0 & Automation: How Digital Technologies Are Reshaping Global Industries and Jobs Moderated by: Pietro Paganini, Competere

Introductory Keynote: Alberto Vacchi, President, IMA

Panel Part 1: Policies to Spur Enterprise Adoption of Industry 4.0 and Their Impact

  • Alistair Nolan, Senior Policy Analyst and Leader of OECD’s work on "Enabling the Next Production Revolution"

Stephen Ezell, Vice President, ITIF

Panel Part 2: Employment Impacts of Disruptive Technologies and Policy Response

12:30-1:15PM – Lunch

1:15-2:15PM - Lunch Talk: Driving the Digital Transformation of Contemporary Cities


2:15-3:30PM – Comparative Global Innovation Policies

This session will examine recent, newly promulgated national innovation policies introduced by several nations/regions, such as Canada, China, the European Union, India, Italy, Sweden, and beyond. Representatives of either these governments or member GTIPA think tanks will give summary presentations and discussions will follow.

Moderated By: Stephen Ezell, ITIF

3:30-3:45PM – Coffee Break


3:45-4:50PM – The Convergence of ICTs and Biotechnology in Life-Sciences Innovation

The widespread application of information and communications technologies (i.e., the Internet of Things, Robotics, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, KRISPR-KAS, etc.) is expected to bring to healthcare a vast array of benefits such as enabling faster diagnoses and achieving better therapeutic results, improving the quality of life for patients and their families, and making the provision of services more cost-effective. Milan will be host to the Human Technopole, a new research center located on the grounds of Expo2015. Inspired by genomics-centered institutes such as the Broad Institute in Boston, Human Technopole will focus on genomics, big data, aging, and nutrition and is poised to become one of the premier genomics institutes in the world. This panel will explore how the convergence of three fields—ICT, chemistry, and biology—is radically transforming global life-sciences innovation and what policy makers need to do to ensure that their nations and citizens capitalize on these innovations.

Guest Speakers:

4:50-5:00PM – Adjourn, Break, Transition to Open Networking Reception


5:00-6:45PM – Open Networking Reception

Networking reception kindly hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Innovation Policy Center.

Friday site visit to Rold Group.

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