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Fostering an Enabling Policy Environment for Data-Utilizing Businesses: AI, Payments, Encryption, and Accounting/tax Services

August 23, 2019
Nigel Cory@nigelcory
Associate Director, Trade Policy
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

Nigel Cory gave a presentation at a Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) senior officials meeting in Puetro Varas, Chile. Cory presented key findings from the chapters of the report he did for APEC on the same topic. The full APEC report is here. As part of this report, Cory conducted interviews with a small number of firms from Canada, Chile, Mexico, and the United States about how they use data and the impact of legal and regulatory restrictions on their ability to use and transfer data. These formed the basis for chapters on digital trade and the sectors these firms were from, which were: payment services, encryption services, electronic invoicing, and artificial intelligence.

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