Decarbonizing Industrial Heat
Event Summary
Roughly 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions come from producing heat for industrial processes such as cement, iron and steel, and chemicals production—more than the emissions from cars and planes combined. Decarbonizing industrial heat production will be essential to meeting climate change goals. Yet this topic has received far less attention than decarbonization of the power, transportation, or building sectors.
Please join ITIF and the Aspen Institute for the Washington, DC release of the Innovation for a Cool Earth Forum’s (ICEF’s) Industrial Heat Decarbonization Roadmap. ITIF and the Aspen Institute will hold an expert panel exploring the challenges of industrial heat decarbonization.
Follow @ITIFdc and join the discussion on Twitter with the hashtag #ITIFcleanenergy.
For questions, please contact ITIF’s event coordinator, Rachel Trello, at [email protected].