Widening the Lens on Innovation for Clean Manufacturing: Greening High-Temperature Manufacturing: Toward an RD&D Agenda
Event Summary
Greening High-Temperature Manufacturing: Toward an RD&D Agenda Workshop
ITIF co-hosted a series of four expert workshops with Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy and Fraunhofer USA’s Center for Manufacturing Innovation. This workshop focused mainly on the production of iron, steel, cement, and glass, specifically considering whether to shift production to an all-electric system or whether to use synthetic fuels, as well as using alternative materials that can provide equivalent functionality in a more cost and energy-efficient manner.
Challenge & Issues for Discussion
Speaker Presentations & Recordings
- General Introduction, Greening High-Temperature Manufacturing: Toward an RD&D Agenda, Colin Cunliff, Senior Policy Analyst, ITIF (recording not available)
- Electrifying U.S. Industry, Ali Hasanbeigi, Ph.D., Global Efficiency Intelligence
- Opportunities for Hydrogen to Green Industry, Mark F. Ruth, Manager – Industrial Systems and Fuels | Strategic Energy Analysis Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- Carbon-Free Hydrogen and Renewable Electrification in High-Temperature Processes: Considerations to Decarbonize Industrial Sector, Mark Johnson, Clemson University, Center for Advanced Manufacturing
- Green Hydrogen Production Using Low-Temperature Water Electrolysis, Everett Anderson, Vice President, Advanced Product Development, Nel Hydrogen
- Electrification and Decarbonization of Chemical Manufacturing, Karthish Manthiram, Assistant Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Greening Steel Production – Technologies and Policies, Marlene Arens, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Germany
- Energy and CO2 Implications of the Global Cement Industry, Maria Juenger, Professor, The University of Texas at Austin