The Digital Markets Act in Europe: Precaution or Innovation?
Event Summary
The European Commission’s proposed Digital Markets Act (DMA) aims to regulate competition in digital markets to ensure they are “fair and contestable.” Should the proposal be adopted as it stands, the implications of the DMA cannot be underestimated. It would impose stringent obligations on large Internet platforms designated as “digital gatekeepers,” with the ostensible goal of strengthening the EU’s digital single market by avoiding the internal market fragmentation that would come with a patchwork of national regulations. But would the DMA really succeed in avoiding fragmentation of the EU’s internal market? Or do the stringent regulations it imposes on large gatekeepers err so far on the side of precaution that they will deter innovation for small, mid-sized, and large firms alike?
ITIF hosted an expert panel discussion marking the release of a new report that provides a comprehensive analysis of the DMA and policy recommendations to address its flaws. This webinar will be the first of two ITIF events on the topic.