Should Online Marketplaces Be Liable for Defective Products?
Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 01:00 PM to 2:00 PM EST
Virtual Webinar
Event Summary
Recent court decisions in California find Amazon liable for a defective third-party product, even when Amazon is not involved in the production and fulfillment of the product. How were these cases decided? How do they reflect a changing legal and economic understanding of the role of product liability in ensuring consumer safety? And given the large size of California's economy, what are the implications of these decisions for the future viability of a diverse set of online marketplaces?
ITIF hosted a discussion on the impact of recent court rulings and proposed legislative changes to product liability laws on online marketplaces in the rapidly changing retail environment.

Catherine Sharkey
Segal Family Professor of Regulatory Law and Policy
New York University School of Law