Dynamic Antitrust Discussion Series: “Dynamic Competition”
Event Summary
Market competition is frequently perceived from a static perspective by antitrust enforcers. The reduction of the number of firms, the degradation of the market structure, and the increase in the size of some companies are causes for antitrust concerns, and subsequently, for antitrust interventions. How relevant the model of “perfect competition” is for antitrust enforcers? What would a dynamic perspective of antitrust entail about the relationship between innovation and competition? If competition is a source of innovation, innovation is often a source of competition. This causal relationship is often overlooked. What would an innovation-based antitrust suggest for today’s antitrust debates?
ITIF and Competition Policy International hosted the seventh in a series of discussions on “dynamic antitrust,” in which Aurelien Portuese, ITIF’s director of antitrust and innovation policy, sits down with leading scholars and antitrust enforcers in Washington, Brussels, and elsewhere to discuss the path forward in making antitrust a foundation for innovation.