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Fighting Back Against Antitrust Populism

October 6, 2022
Event Host: Cato Institute
1000 Massachusetts Ave. NWWashington DC 
Aurelien Portuese, PhD
Research Professor and Founding Director, GW Competition & Innovation Lab; Lawyer
The George Washington University; Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

Aurelien Portuese chairs an expert panel discussion as part of a Cato conference—“New Challenges to the Free Economy (from Left and Right)”—that brings together leading economists and policymakers to discuss the ascendant political threats of progressivism and national conservatism to the free economy.

This all‐​day event features keynote addresses from former President Obama CEA chair Jason Furman and former director of the Congressional Budget Office Douglas Holtz‐​Eakin as well as panels exploring topics as diverse as antitrust populism, protectionism, business politicization, prospects for the regulatory state, and the unsustainability of the public finances.

Speakers include Google’s chief economist Hal Varian, Peterson Institute President Adam Posen, the Upjohn Institute’s Susan Houseman, Chicago professor Casey Mulligan, Cato’s Jeff Miron, and Harvard Business School’s Elisabeth Kempf.

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