Epic V. Apple: A Discussion Amongst Amici

On November 14, 2022, the Ninth Circuit held the much-anticipated appeal hearing concerning Epic v. Apple.
The appeal follows Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Roger’s September 2021 opinion, which found that Apple is not a monopolist and its App Store policies don’t violate federal antitrust laws. However, it also found that Apple’s anti-steering provisions violate California’s unfair competition law.
In the appeal, a slew of amici filed briefs, including dozens of law, economics, and business professors, the Office of the California Attorney General, 35 other States, the DOJ, and multiple non-profit organizations, including ITIF.
This program includes a timely discussion amongst some amici who filed briefs on behalf of Epic or Apple. The panelists will discuss the recent appeal hearing and the potential impact that may stem from the case.