Robo Lawyering for the Win?

"Robot" Lawyers - did we ever think we'd live to see the day?
In February 2023, DoNotPay will be the first ever company to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to help fight a traffic ticket.
According to this CBS article, the artificial intelligence firm already used AI-generated form letters and chatbots to help people secure refunds for in-flight Wifi that didn't work, as well as to lower bills and dispute parking tickets, among other issues. According to the company's CEO, the technology has relied on these AI templates to win more than 2 million customer service disputes and court cases on behalf of individuals against institutions and organizations.
Given the successful outcomes of past disputes, the time has come to discuss where, when, and why robo lawyering has a place in the court room.
Morgan Stevens speaks about how policymakers can support the development of tech-enabled legal services at an event hosted by the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association.