What Policies Could Help Innovation and Start-Up Ecosystems to Scale?

A successful innovation and start-up ecosystem includes top-notch universities, abundance of venture capital funds, an entrepreneurial spirit with risk-taking mentality, supporting infrastructure such as incubators and accelerators, and light-touch (if any) regulation by state. However, the question remains how to combine these items to make an ecosystem self-reinforcing, capable of attracting capital and talent from all around the world.
A panel with top experts from Israel, Estonia, the UK and the U.S. discuss the burning question of what policies could help innovation and start-up ecosystems to scale. Do we need new policies when the success is no longer about global giants taking over the start-ups, but about strengthening the start-up ecosystem of the country?
Patrick Grady speaks about tech panics at a symposium about the ingredients of a successful innovation and start-up ecosystem.