Fostering User Safety in AR/VR Technology
Event Summary
Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) technology has the potential to improve people’s day-to-day lives by making workforce training more efficient and establishing new teaching methods. But it also opens a wide range of physical, psychological, and financial threats, from distracted driving to virtual sexual harassment and ransomware. While many of AR/VR’s user safety issues are similar to those found in other digital technologies, such as smartphones and videogames, the immersive nature of the content displayed in AR/VR technologies amplifies threats and introduces new complexity. Therefore, making AR/VR technology safe to use, and giving users the tools and training they need to stay safe, should be a priority for tech companies and policymakers.
Watch the panel discussion with policymakers and thought leaders about how to ensure that users can enjoy the benefits of AR/VR technology safely.