The Implications of Japan’s New Economic Security Law
Thursday, May 11, 2023, 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM EST
Virtual Webinar
Event Summary
In recent years, Japan adopted legislation to develop and implement an “economic security strategy” that includes a significant reorganization of government (the creation of a minister for economic security) and the adoption of new policies to accomplish this task. Its 2022 Economic Security Promotion Act focuses on securing supply chains of critical materials, nondisclosure of patents for security reasons, promoting the development of advanced technologies, and ensuring infrastructure security.
Watch the expert panel for the discussion on Japan’s efforts and the implications for U.S. policy.

David Adler
Economics Author
“Inside Operation Warp Speed: A New Model for Industrial Policy”
Panelist (View Presentation)

Robert D. Atkinson@RobAtkinsonITIF
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

Akira Igata@AkiraIgata
Project Lecturer, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
University of Tokyo

Shihoko Goto@GotoEastAsia
Director for Geoeconomics and Indo-Pacific Enterprise, Deputy Director for the Asia Program
Wilson Center