The Crucial Role of Early-Stage University Research in Clean Energy Innovation
Event Summary
The world cannot effectively address climate change until clean energy is as cheap and efficient as dirty energy—a threshold ITIF has called price/performance parity (P3). Only then will market forces drive a rapid green transition on a global scale. But contrary to some claims, we are still a long way from where we need to be. Developing the wide array of clean energy technologies the world needs will require a host of new discoveries and breakthroughs. That is why it is critical for government to continue investing in basic research and development (R&D). Particularly now, as FY 2025 energy and science appropriations debates unfold, policymakers must recognize the need to sustain robust investment in clean energy innovation.
Please join ITIF for an expert panel discussion about a new report examining the role of federal funding for clean energy research conducted by colleges and universities.
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