Reviving Canada’s Innovation Economy
Event Summary
The Canadian economy is in a rut, becoming increasingly less globally competitive than its peers. That much is clear in news headlines and dinner table conversations across the country. But there is far less clarity about the specific underlying details of what ails Canada’s economy, and as a result most assertions about how to address Canada’s economic woes focus too much on discrete issues such as science funding, lack of venture capital, and antitrust policy, while missing the bigger picture of what drives innovation, productivity, and competitiveness. To move the country forward, Canadian policymakers will need to take concerted action to fundamentally shift the way innovation and competitiveness policy is conceived and implemented in Canada.
Watch now for Information Technology and Innovation Foundation's (ITIF) launch event for the Centre for Canadian Innovation and Competitiveness, an Ottawa-based ITIF affiliate focused on tackling these issues. The event featured an expert panel discussion on a new report from the Centre examining the how and why of Canada’s performance on key measures of productivity, innovation, and competitiveness.