The Nuclear Frontier, Securing America’s Energy Future

Stephen Ezell joined an expert panel hosted by The Hill to discuss how nuclear power can help the United States meet unprecedented electricity demand and examine the path ahead after the ADVANCE Act.
Event Description
America’s energy future is shining a little brighter after the recent passage of the bipartisan ADVANCE Act to bolster U.S. nuclear power production.
The new law seeks to broaden how America generates power, creating a more resilient infrastructure to meet the surging energy demands driven by data centers, electric vehicles and reshored factories.
The law isn’t without its critics or competition. Concerns have been raised about potential safety issues and challenges related to nuclear waste.
Others argue the new law doesn’t go nearly far enough to catch up to the likes of India or China as they far outpace the U.S. in building nuclear reactors.
In China alone, there are 27 nuclear reactors currently under development.
The debate going forward is where the U.S. goes from here.
Join The Hill as we convene clean energy experts, and executives to answer questions about nuclear power’s potential role in meeting electricity demands, and how the regulatory process might be changed while protecting safety and the environment.