Broadband Beneath the Waves: Understanding the World of Submarine Cables
Event Summary
Our online world runs on a hidden lifeline: submarine cables crisscrossing the ocean floor, carrying 99% of global internet traffic. As the backbone of broadband, these cables face rising threats amid U.S.-China competition to dominate the industry, sparking urgent concerns over their security and resilience.
Key challenges in the world of submarine cables include safeguarding them from physical and cyber threats, navigating geopolitical tensions in cable deployment and maintenance, and understanding the role of submarine cables in advancing global digital connectivity. But what strategies can industry leaders adopt to strengthen this critical infrastructure? How can governments and operators collaborate to ensure the security and sustainability of the undersea cable network?
Watch now for a panel discussion featuring submarine cable owners and operators as they delve into the past, present, and future of this essential industry. Learn about the technological advances, policy challenges, and global implications shaping the world beneath the waves.