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Intellectual Property

As nations engage in a race for global advantage in innovation, ITIF champions a new policy paradigm that ensures businesses and national economies can compete successfully by spurring public and private investment in foundational areas such as research, skills, and 21st century infrastructure. Our work on intellectual property issues includes analysis of how appropriately governed intellectual property protections—including patents, copyright, trademarks, and trade secrets—drive innovation.

Daniel Castro
Daniel Castro

Vice President and Director, Center for Data Innovation

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

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Stephen Ezell
Stephen Ezell

Vice President, Global Innovation Policy, and Director, Center for Life Sciences Innovation

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

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No, Market Leaders Are Not Driving Declines in Innovation and Economic Dynamism

No, Market Leaders Are Not Driving Declines in Innovation and Economic Dynamism

A report by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG) concludes that declining knowledge diffusion is the underlying cause of declining business dynamism. However, its theoretical model is based on flawed assumptions, while its mathematical model has methodological issues.

Losing the Lead: Why the United States Must Reassert Itself as a Global Champion for Robust IP Rights

Losing the Lead: Why the United States Must Reassert Itself as a Global Champion for Robust IP Rights

Arguments for weakening IP rights have been gaining traction in the United States to enable a redistribution agenda. But spurring U.S. competitiveness, supporting American jobs, and advancing innovation will require the federal government to step up its game in defense of a more robust global IP regime.

More Publications and Events

February 25, 2025|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to the UK Government on Proposed Changes to the Copyright, Design, and Patents Act 1988

The Center for Data Innovation submitted these comments to the UK government’s Intellectual Property Office, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, and Department for Culture, Media and Sport on its consultation on proposed changes to the UK’s copyright regime, the Copyright, Design, and Patents Act (CDPA) 1988.

February 20, 2025|Blogs

Selective Outrage Over AI and Copyright

The UK’s copyright system has long prioritized economic interests over creators’ control, allowing industries to learn from creative works without permission. Critics now opposing AI training have benefited from these same principles. A fair debate should acknowledge this precedent rather than selectively restricting AI.

January 13, 2025|Blogs

Fact of the Week: H-1B Visa Workers Contribute to the Number of Issued Patents in the United States

A recent study found that the number of H-1B visa holders is highly correlated with the number of issued patents in a state.

November 25, 2024|Blogs

Denying Copyright for AI-Assisted Art Threatens Innovation

Jason M. Allen, an artist whose AI-generated image won a digital art competition prize in 2022, recently sued the U.S. Copyright Office for rejecting his application for copyright of the image. In its refusal to grant copyright protection to Allen’s work—which he created using 624 prompts on the generative AI platform Midjourney—the Copyright Office argued that the artist’s creative process to generate the award-winning image did not meet the criteria for “human authorship as we understand it.”

October 7, 2024|Blogs

Boom in State Digital Replica Laws Fuels Need for Federal Publicity Right

Congress should pass an amended version of the NO FAKES Act that preempts all existing and future state digital likeness laws. This would ensure consistent IP protections for all Americans—including performers—support innovation in entertainment, and prevent a patchwork of state digital replica laws.

June 10, 2024|Knowledge Base Articles

To Do: Ban Chinese Research Funding at US Universities

The administration should ban Chinese research funding at U.S. universities to prevent IP theft.

May 6, 2024|Blogs

Public Knowledge vs. Progress: The Debate on Website Blocking in the United States and Elsewhere

Congress and other stakeholders would do well to ignore SOPA as a relic of the past and instead focus on those stakeholders who want to engage on the substantial and growing body of evidence from around the world.

April 13, 2024|Blogs

Congress Should Fund the Creation of a Similarity Checker for Music

A landmark ruling in 2015 made it harder for artists and record labels to determine where permissible influence and interpolation become impermissible appropriation and plagiarism. Congress should make things more consistent, accurate, and fair by directing the Copyright Office to launch a competition for the private sector to come up with an AI-enabled tool to compare how similar a musical composition or recording is to existing copyright-protected works.

April 13, 2024|Knowledge Base Articles

To Do: Create an AI Similarity Checker for Music

Congress should make assessments of musical copyright infringement more consistent, accurate, and fair by directing and funding the Copyright Office to launch a competition for the private sector to come up with an AI-enabled tool to for the job.

March 18, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: Technology Sector Firms Pay a Higher Premium to Acquire Innovative Target Firms

A recent paper found that the average innovative target firm received a takeover premium and cumulative abnormal stock returns that were 4.2 and 5.6 percentage points, respectively, higher than their non-innovative counterparts.

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