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State and Local

Robert D. Atkinson
Robert D. Atkinson


Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

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Stephen Ezell
Stephen Ezell

Vice President, Global Innovation Policy, and Director, Center for Life Sciences Innovation

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

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Meghan Ostertag
Meghan Ostertag

Research Assistant

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Estimated State-Level Employment Impact of Enhancing Federal R&D Tax Incentives

Estimated State-Level Employment Impact of Enhancing Federal R&D Tax Incentives

Tax incentives for research and development (R&D) in America are less generous than in comparable countries—and now prevent firms from expensing the full value of R&D investments in the first year. Enhancing R&D tax incentives would create high-paying jobs across the country.

The Looming Cost of a Patchwork of State Privacy Laws

The Looming Cost of a Patchwork of State Privacy Laws

In the absence of a federal privacy law, a growing patchwork of state laws burdens companies with multiple, duplicative compliance costs. The out-of-state costs from 50 such laws could exceed $1 trillion over 10 years, with at least $200 billion hitting small businesses.

How Congress and the Biden Administration Could Jumpstart Smart Cities With AI

How Congress and the Biden Administration Could Jumpstart Smart Cities With AI

AI promises to help cities save money, address infrastructure needs, and reduce emissions. But to unlock these benefits and help smart cities reach their full potential, the federal government has an important role to play in funding RD&D and facilitating cooperation.

More Publications and Events

March 7, 2025|Blogs

Texas Cracked the Code on Broadband Deployment. Now It Can Lead on Affordability.

Texas is proving that tech-neutral, efficient broadband deployment can close the digital divide—on budget and with surplus funds to boost affordability.

January 26, 2025|Blogs

Texas’s AI Law Won’t Deliver the Accountability It Promises

The bill’s heavy-handed approach risks creating more problems than it solves, prioritizing bureaucratic hurdles over meaningful progress in fairness and accountability.

November 4, 2024|Blogs

California’s AI Transparency Law Is a Misstep Other States Should Avoid

California often sets the tone for national policy, but the recently passed AI Transparency Act (SB 942) is an example of what not to do.

October 24, 2024|Events

The Conservative Weaponization of Government Against Tech

Watch now for a panel discussion exploring how anti-tech conservatives would weaponize the government against technology, the legitimacy of conservatives’ anti-tech arguments, and the implications of their proposals for society.

October 10, 2024|Op-Eds & Contributed Articles

California Legislators Are Not Equipped to Rework Their AI Law

Legislators currently lack the necessary information about how harms from AI systems may materialize and evolve in the real world to design truly effective regulations.

October 7, 2024|Blogs

Boom in State Digital Replica Laws Fuels Need for Federal Publicity Right

Congress should pass an amended version of the NO FAKES Act that preempts all existing and future state digital likeness laws. This would ensure consistent IP protections for all Americans—including performers—support innovation in entertainment, and prevent a patchwork of state digital replica laws.

October 7, 2024|Podcasts

Podcast: Leveraging Data to Improve Communities, With Rochelle Haynes

Data-informed and evidence-based decision making can drive optimum outcomes in local governments.

October 2, 2024|Blogs

The United States Should Seize Global AI Stage in California to Shift Gears to Post-Deployment Safety

Governor Gavin Newsom’s veto of California’s AI safety bill (SB 1047) was a sensible move, but a deeper issue remains unresolved. A fundamental flaw of the bill lies in its approach to AI safety: it attempts to identify risky systems based solely on assessments made before deployment.

September 23, 2024|Reports & Briefings

The Path to Digital Identity in the United States

Digital IDs are a more convenient, secure, and versatile option than physical IDs, but few Americans currently have one. With the right investments and collaboration between federal and state governments, Americans could realize the full potential of digital IDs.

August 26, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments for the California Law Revision Commission Study of Antitrust Law Regarding Consumer Welfare Standard, Concerted Action, and Other Issues

There is no need to expand California’s antitrust regime, as changes should be grounded in empirically demonstrable failures by the status quo to protect competition and consumers. California’s economy is fueled by innovation and technological revolutions, which continue to drive its dynamic businesses and benefit consumers.

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