Alberto Mingardi
Alberto Mingardi is the General Director of the Bruno Leoni Institute.
Mingardi holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Pavia (Italy). He previously worked in different capacities at different think-tanks, including the Center for the New Europe in Brussels where he was a Senior Fellow. He translated Antonio Rosmini’s The Constitution According to Social Justice into English (it is published by Lexington Books) and is the author of a recent monograph on Herbert Spencer (Continuum, 2011). Alberto has published with several dailies and magazines, amongst the most prominent The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, International Herald Tribune, Financial Times, Agefi, Apple Daily, Economic Affairs, National Review, The Freeman, Markets and Morality. With Gabriele Pelissero, he edited "Eppur si muove. Come cambia la sanità in Europa, far public e private" ("And yet it moves. How healthcare is evolving in Europe, between private and public"), a collection of essays published by IBL in 2010 on how market-oriented healthcare reforms are being implemented in European member states.
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