Andrea Glorioso
Andrea Glorioso (Mr) is the Counsellor for the Digital Economy at the Delegation of the European Union to the USA, in Washington DC. In this role, he acts as the liaison between the EU and US on policy, regulation and research activities related to the Internet and Information and Communication Technologies. Mr Glorioso worked for eight years at the European Commission in Brussels (Belgium) on cyber-security, personal data protection, cloud computing and Internet governance. Before joining the Commission, he worked at the NEXA Research Center for Internet and Society of the Politechnic University of Turin, at the Centro Tempo Reale research center for contemporary music in Florence and in the private sector as a software developer and project manager. A native of Padua (Italy), Mr Glorioso has a MSc in Political Sciences / Sociology from the University of Padua, a post-graduate degree in IT law from the Centro Study Informatica Giuridica (CSIG) and an LLM in Intellectual Property Law from the University of Turin / WIPO Worldwide Academy.
Recent Events and Presentations
How AI Can Help People Back to Work
ITIF's Center for Data Innovation hosted a discussion about the opportunities to use AI in recruiting and hiring, the ways in which companies are addressing concerns about discrimination and bias, and policies that could support effective use of this technology.
ITIF-TPI Event: Innovation, Regulation, and the EU’s Digital Single Market Strategy
Please join the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation and the Technology Policy Institute for an in-depth panel discussion about the European Commission’s recently unveiled strategy.
The Importance of Cross-Border Data Flows for Traditional Industries
This event will be a panel discussion on how the U.S. can take the lead in establishing trade policies that promote digital free trade by allowing companies to share data across borders.