Andrea Renda

Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Regulatory Affairs Programme
Centre for European Policy Studies
Dr. Andrea Renda is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), where he started and currently manages the CEPS Regulatory Affairs Programme. From January 2006, he is also the Coordinator of the European Network for Better Regulation (, a Coordination Action on regulatory impact assessment funded by the European Commission under the FP6 programme. In 2010, he also became the founder and Manager of the CEPS Digital Forum. Andrea is an ongoing consultant for a number of institutions, including the European Commission, the European Parliament, the OECD and the World Bank. Andrea is the Rapporteur of the CEPS Task Force on Electronic Communications (at its third edition), as well as the CEPS Task Forces on innovation policy, competition policy and critical infrastructure protection. He was, i.a., the lead author of the Pilot Project on Administrative Burdens for DG ENTR; the main author of the Impact Study on private antitrust damages actions for DG Comp in 2007. For the European Commission, he is currently leading studies in the field of financial services and administrative burdens, and participating to studies on electronic communications, spectrum policy, and social impact assessment. From 2011 to 2013, he will be a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute in Fiesole (Italy), researching in particular on better regulation and telecommunications issues.
Dr. Andrea Renda is Adjunct Professor of “Economic Analysis of Law”, “Antitrust and regulation”, “Policies and policymaking in the EU” and “International Public Governance” at Luiss Guido Carli University, in Rome, and a Senior Research Fellow at Luiss’ Law and Economics Lab. Since 2006, he also lectures on “Advanced Topics in Competition and Regulation” at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam within the European Master in Law and Economics. For 2008 and 2009, he also lectures at the University of Stockholm (“Competition Policy and Intellectual Property”) and at the University of Jordan (“Telecommunications regulation”). He is now responsible for the course “Regulatory Impact Assessment for Business” at the College of Europe in Bruges.
Since May 2008, Andrea coordinates the Luiss Research Network, which helps the faculty members at Luiss Guido Carli in accessing EU-funded projects and launching research projects at international and national level.
Andrea was a consultant to National Economic Research Associates (NERA) between January 2002 and June 2004, after six years of academic activity at LUISS and one year as a visiting professor at the Media Law Center of the New York Law School. He currently sits in the Scientific Committee of the Institute for the Economics of Media, a division of the Turin-based Fondazione Rosselli. He is also responsible for the “Law and Technology” area of the Italian Fondazione COTEC. Since 2004, he is Economic Counsel of the Italian Board of Airlines Representatives (IBAR).
Andrea is member of the Editorial Board of the international peer-reviewed journal “Telecommunication Policy” (Elsevier); a member of the Scientific Board of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS) and of the Scientific Board of EuroCPR. He is a member of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE), a founding member of the Italian Association of Law and Economics (SIDE-ISLE) and a member of the steering committee of the Italian Intellectual Property Law Association (IP Law). He also sits in the Technical Advisory Board of the Better Regulation for Growth project, a joint initiative of the World Bank, DFID and the Dutch Ministry of foreign affairs.
Dr. Andrea Renda earned a laurea cum laude in Economics from LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, in 1995 (Dissertation awarded a special distinction) and is European Master of Law and Economics (LL.M., with distinction, University of Hamburg, 1996). He holds a Ph.D. in Law and Economics from the Erasmus University of Rotterdam.
Andrea is the author of several publications, including the books “Impact Assessment in the EU. The State of the Art and the Art of the State”, published by CEPS in January 2006; “Last call for Lisbon? Suggestions for the future regulation of e-communications in Europe”, CEPS, June 2006; “Achieving the Internal Market for e-communications in Europe”, May 2008; “Policymaking in the EU: challenges and proposals for reform”, CEPS, June 2009; “A new innovation policy for EU2020”, CEPS, June 2010 (with Massimiliano Granieri); “Critical infrastructure protection in the EU” (CEPS, forthcoming September 2010”; “Law and economics in the RIA world” (Intersentia, forthcoming Summer 2011): and “Law and Policy of Innovation in the EU”m with Massimiliano Granieri, Springer, May 2011.
Recent Publications
Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Why the Digital Single Market Matters for Transatlantic Relations
Rob Atkinson writes for the German Marshall Fund that many of the European Commission’s proposals under the Digital Single Market seek to achieve one goal that will make it harder to achieve other goals.