Ash Johnson
Ash Johnson is a senior policy manager at ITIF, specializing in Internet policy issues including privacy, security, platform regulation, e-government, and accessibility for people with disabilities. Her insights appear in numerous prominent media outlets such as TIME, The Washington Post, NPR, BBC, and Bloomberg.
Previously, Johnson worked at the BSA Foundation, focusing on diversity in the tech industry and STEM education. She holds a master’s degree in security policy from The George Washington University and a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Brigham Young University.
Recent Publications
New FTC COPPA Rule Update Does Little for Parents to Protect Children Online
There is still time to adjust the COPPA Rule to better protect children and empower parents without imposing unnecessary burdens on businesses and users.
The Kids Off Social Media Act Misses the Mark on Children’s Online Safety
Senators reintroduced the Kids Off Social Media Act (KOSMA), which has many flaws, namely that it complicates compliance for platforms that already disallow children below age 13 and limits users’ ability to fully customize their online experience.
Will AI Regulation “Avoid Past Mistakes” or Just Make Different Ones?
As part of the ongoing backlash against “Big Tech,” policymakers from both sides of the aisle and various stakeholders have raised a host of issues with social media ranging from potential harm to children to the alleged death of democracy.
Meta Community Notes and Content Moderation in a Free Market
Meta announced on January 7, 2025 that it was ending its third-party fact-checking program on its social media platforms—Facebook, Instagram, and Threads—and moving to a “Community Notes” model, similar to X, in the United States.
Social Media Ban for Children Is a Step Backward for Australia
Blocking an entire age group from social media uses a regulatory sledgehammer instead of a scalpel to address complex and evolving online safety issues. It ignores the benefits of social media for young people and the pitfalls of age-verification rules.
Conservatives Don’t Need Big Government to Solve Big Tech Problems
The conservative "techlash" targets Big Tech for suppressing conservative values. Some now support government intervention, which contradicts traditional conservative principles of limited government. A better approach would be light-touch regulation, focusing on transparency and parental control, while preserving innovation and free markets.
Europe Might Wrap the Tech Industry in Even More Red Tape
Europe needs to pump the brakes on new regulations before it can properly assess the long-term effects of the GDPR, DSA, DMA, and AI Act.
The Conservative Weaponization of Government Against Tech
Some conservatives have grievances with “Big Tech” companies and would marshal the power of government to punish them. But the policy proposals stemming from this conservative “techlash” would have significant costs for consumers, businesses, and the economy.
Comments Before the European Commission Regarding the Digital Services Act
While increasing children’s online safety and privacy are important goals, it is important not to infringe on others’ rights, or children’s own rights, in the process.
The Path to Digital Identity in the United States
Digital IDs are a more convenient, secure, and versatile option than physical IDs, but few Americans currently have one. With the right investments and collaboration between federal and state governments, Americans could realize the full potential of digital IDs.
ITIF’s Innovation Policy Reading List for Summer 2024
To save you a trip to the library or bookstore, this list includes not just books we recommend for policy wonks and the general public alike, but also books we do not recommend.
Comments to Brazil’s National Data Protection Authority Regarding Processing of Personal Data of Children and Adolescents
A combination of privacy-protective age verification systems utilizing digital forms of identification and AI, parental controls that are readily available and easy to use, and greater transparency from digital platforms would increase children’s safety and privacy, encourage innovation in improved safety and privacy controls, and better inform policymakers and parents on next steps to protect children.
Recent Events and Presentations
Tech Policy 202: Spring 2025 Educational Seminar Series for Congressional and Federal Staff
ITIF’s spring seminar course explores core emerging technologies and issues that are reshaping our world and, in the process, creating public policy challenges and opportunities. The course is open to congressional and federal staff only.
The Conservative Weaponization of Government Against Tech
Watch now for a panel discussion exploring how anti-tech conservatives would weaponize the government against technology, the legitimacy of conservatives’ anti-tech arguments, and the implications of their proposals for society.
Social Media and the First Amendment
Watch now for an expert panel discussion exploring the intersection between digital policy issues and the First Amendment, the free speech implications of proposals to address online problems, and how lawmakers could address these problems without infringing on users' or companies' speech rights.
Children on Social Media and the Multistate Lawsuit Against Meta
Watch now for a panel discussion on the facts of the case, the claims against Meta, and how this lawsuit fits into the broader discussion over content moderation, privacy, children’s safety, and the responsibilities of social media platforms.
Age Verification Tech for Social Media: Exploring the Opportunities and Pitfalls
Watch now for the panel dsicussion focusing on age verification technology for social media, AI age estimation, and current capabilities and limitations that policymakers should consider when crafting legislation designed to protect children.
AI, Education and Children’s Privacy Concerns
Gillian Diebold and Ashley Johnson moderate discussions about AI and education and children’s privacy concerns with emerging technology at the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) Annual Conference, hosted by BBB National Programs.
Big Tech & Speech Summit: The Fragility of Section 230
Ashley Johnson speaks at the Big Tech & Speech Summit, an exclusive forum addressing the red-hot controversies impacting Big Tech in Washington.
Supreme Court Argues Section 230: What’s Next for Congress?
Ashley Johnson offers her perspective on the oral arguments in Gonzalez v. Google, the broader Section 230 reform debate, different legislative proposals for altering Section 230, and the implications of potential changes to Section 230.
What Will It Take for Congress to Pass Bipartisan Privacy Legislation?
Watch the discussion about the progress Congress has made in crafting bipartisan privacy legislation, the ADPPA’s current legislative status, and the remaining areas of debate regarding the legislation.
Police Tech: Maximizing Benefits and Reducing Risks
Join ITIF in-person for a discussion about what emerging technologies are on the horizon for law enforcement and how police departments can get the most out of these technologies while addressing some of the legitimate concerns.
Children’s Privacy in Review: The Future of COPPA
View ITIF's panel discussion on whether and how the FTC or Congress should update COPPA to protect children’s privacy while increasing the quality and quantity of online services for children.
Protecting Political Speech While Reducing Harm on Social Media
ITIF hosted a discussion on how Congress and social media platforms can balance free speech and harm reduction in the regulation and moderation of political speech online.