ChiUng Song
Dr. ChiUng Song is a senior research fellow at the Science & Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) and has a strong academic background in economics as well as a high level of professional expertise in policy practices. He has published a number of academic and empirical articles in the fields of applied microeconomics, quantitative methodology, econometrics, development economics and innovation economics.
Dr. Song was the director of frontier technology for the Center for Asia-Pacific Strategy in 2022 after serving as the vice president from November 2019 to December 2021 and the chief director of division for global innovation strategy from 2017 to 2019. As the chief director, Dr. Song managed both multilateral cooperation projects (ASEAN-ROK, APEC PPSTI, OECD CSTP) and development cooperation projects (K-Innovation ODA program, KSP projects, KOICA projects).
Currently, Dr. Song oversees research projects in STEPI including contract-based projects financed by the Korean government. He has also actively participated in various types of policy research projects in the area of global cooperation and development cooperation, strategic foresight and future studies, national innovation systems (NIS) as well as economics of technology and innovation as project manager or co-author.
In addition, Dr. Song has been deeply involved in various academic societies during last few years. From 2012 to 2016, Dr. Song has been an adjunct professor at the Department of Urban Planning at Gachon University. At the same time, he has provided lectures on economics at Hankook University of Foreign Studies, Kyonggi University and Seoul National University. He has also been a visiting scholar at the Center for International Science and Technology Policy at George Washington University. Dr. Song has been a key member of many academic societies and he is currently president of the International Association of Area Studies.