Dan Clancy
Daniel J. Clancy, PhD, is the Engineering Director for the Google Book Search Project. This project is working to bring off-line books content on-line and make it searchable to allow discovery of books. Google is working with both publishers and libraries as part of this project.
Prior to coming to Google in January 2005, Dr. Clancy was the Director of the Exploration Technologies Directorate at NASA Ames Research Center. The Directorate supports over 700 people performing both basic and applied research in a diverse range of technology areas intended to enable both robotic and human exploration missions. Technology areas include Intelligent Systems, High-end Computing, Human-Centered Systems, Bio/Nanotechnology, Entry Systems and others. In this role, Dr. Clancy played numerous roles at the agency level including participating in the team that developed the agency’s plan to return men to the Moon and eventually Mars.
Dr. Clancy received his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin in artificial intelligence. While in school, Dr. Clancy also worked at Trilogy Corporation, the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Xerox Webster Research center. Dr. Clancy received a Bachelor of Arts from Duke University in 1985 in computer science and theatre.
Recent Events and Presentations
Copyright, Content and Class Action Lawsuits: A Debate on the Google Book Search Settlement
A debate on the Google Book Search settlement, its implications, and the broader issues of orphan works and digital libraries.