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Daniel J. Weitzner

Daniel J. Weitzner

Associate Administrator for the Office of Policy Analysis and Development


Daniel J. Weitzner serves as Associate Administrator for the Office of Policy Analysis and Development in the Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). He directs the office that conducts research and analysis and prepares policy recommendations for the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information.

NTIA serves as the principal adviser to the President on telecommunications and information policy. In this role, NTIA formulates, advocates, and participates in the implementation of policies, frequently working with other Executive Branch agencies to develop and present the Administration's position. Since its creation in 1978, NTIA has been at the cutting edge of critical technology issues.

The Office of Policy Analysis and Development (OPAD) is the domestic policy division of NTIA. OPAD supports NTIA's role as principal adviser to the Executive Branch and the Secretary of Commerce on telecommunications and information policies by conducting research and analysis and preparing policy recommendations. The office generates policies that promote innovation, competition, and economic growth for the benefit of American businesses and consumers.

Prior to joining NTIA, Weitzner was Director of the MIT CSAIL Decentralized Information Group, taught Internet public policy in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, and was Policy Director of the World Wide Web Consortium's Technology and Society activities. At DIG he led research on the development of new technology and public policy models for addressing legal challenges raised by the Web, including privacy, intellectual property, identity management and new regulatory models for the Web. At W3C he was responsible for Web standards needed to address public policy requirements, including the Platform for Privacy Preference (P3P) and XML Security technologies.

Weitzner was co-founder and Deputy Director of the Center for Democracy and Technology, and Deputy Policy Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Weitzner has law degree from Buffalo Law School, and a B.A. in Philosophy from Swarthmore College. His writings have appeared in Science magazine, the Yale Law Review, Communications of the ACM, Computerworld, Wired Magazine and Social Research.

Recent Events and Presentations

September 27, 2010

Future of Privacy Forum to Host Expert Panel: “Do Not Track” Demystified

ITIF and TPI present a wide-ranging discussion on online privacy issues and the current privacy legislation before Congress.

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