Dorothy Robyn
Dorothy Robyn is a member of ITIF’s board. She is a public policy expert who writes and consults on transportation, energy, and telecommunications policy, and a nonresident senior fellow with ITIF's Center for Clean Energy Innovation and Boston University’s Institute for Global Sustainability.
Dr. Robyn served in the Obama administration as deputy undersecretary of Defense for Installations & Environment, where she had DoD-wide oversight of U.S. military bases around the world (2009-2012), and as commissioner of public buildings at the U.S. General Services Administration (2012-2014).
From 1993-2001, she was a special assistant to the president for economic policy on the staff of the White House National Economic Council, where she coordinated policy issues related to aviation, aerospace, defense, telecommunications, and science and technology. Her role in preventing the destruction of the Iridium satellite system following its 1999 bankruptcy is recounted in John Bloom’s award-winning 2016 book Eccentric Orbits: the Iridium Story.
Dr. Robyn previously was an assistant professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government; a principal with The Brattle Group, an economic consultancy; and a guest scholar at the Brookings Institution.
She is a National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) Fellow, and a member of two National Academy of Sciences advisory bodies, including a standing board on infrastructure; the World Resources Institute’s Global Leadership Council; and the board of directors of the nonprofit U.S. Ignite.
Dr. Robyn is the author of Braking the Special Interests: Trucking Deregulation and the Politics of Policy Reform (University of Chicago Press) and Toward an Evolutionary Regime for Spectrum Governance: Licensed or Unrestricted Entry (Brookings Press) with William J. Baumol.
She has a B.A. from Southern Illinois University and an M.P.P. and Ph.D. in public policy from the University of California, Berkeley.
Recent Publications
Comments to the Departments of Justice and Transportation Regarding Competition in Air Transportation
Populists argue mergers reduced robust competition that travelers previously enjoyed, allowing the remaining “Big Four” carriers to cut capacity, decrease service quality and raise prices. But that narrative could not be more wrong.
Lina Khan’s Defective Critique of Boeing as “National Champion”
The chair of the Federal Trade Commission, Lina Khan, is using the crisis facing aerospace giant Boeing to press her case that “national champions” invariably behave badly because they are protected from competition. It is disappointing that Khan’s critique of Boeing reflects so little sectoral expertise and understanding of markets.
US Airline Consolidation Has Not Harmed Competition or Consumers
The number of competitors on individual routes has been going up, not down. Low-cost and ultra-low-cost carriers have grown at rates far exceeding those of the legacy network carriers. And airfares have continued to fall.
House Republican Opposition to DOD Clean Energy Technology Is Misguided
A group of House members, including defense appropriators, have questioned Pentagon spending on energy technology seen as “green,” including EVs, solar photovoltaics, and energy storage technology. But DOD is electrifying the battlefield not to be green, but to improve combat performance, which increasingly turns on technology that runs on electricity.
Mission, Money, and Process Makeover: How Federal Procurement Can Catalyze Clean Energy Investment and Innovation
Using federal procurement to advance sustainable energy goals has had only limited success in the past. To break the pattern, the White House needs a plan that aligns with agency missions, is adequately funded, and fixes perverse budget and procurement rules.
Don’t Blame DeJoy, Give Him the Money to Buy Electric Postal Trucks
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) just approved plans to deploy a new delivery fleet consisting almost entirely of gasoline-powered trucks, even as Amazon, UPS and FedEx are going all-in on climate-friendly electric vehicles (EVs).
The Postal Service’s $6 Billion Procurement of Its Next-Generation Mail Truck: What Would Ben Franklin Do?
If in making its once-in-a-generation vehicle choice, USPS opts to forego the once-in-a-century innovation of electric vehicles and instead tie the agency to fossil fuel for the next 30 years, it would be a damaging lapse in a 230-year history of innovation.
Using Federal Facilities to Drive Clean Energy Innovation (Not Just Clean Energy)
As the owner of the country’s largest and most geographically distributed building portfolio, the federal government is uniquely positioned to address barriers to commercialization and deployment by serving as a test bed for and early adopter of next-generation building-energy technologies.
Driving Change: A Front-Loaded, Aggressive Strategy for Federal Procurement of Electric Vehicles
Presidential candidate Joe Biden regularly cited electrification of the federal government’s giant vehicle fleet as a concrete action he would take to move the country toward a clean energy economy. But an Obama-style executive order directing federal agencies to acquire EVs at some future date is not sufficient. The Biden administration needs a much more front-loaded, comprehensive and aggressive strategy.
Accelerating Clean Energy Innovation: A Workshop Series
The time is ripe for a serious reconsideration of the U.S. energy innovation system and the role of the federal government in it. An upcoming workshop series, sponsored by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine’s Board on Energy and Environmental Systems and open to the public, offers a valuable chance to think through many of the key questions.
Clean Power From the Pentagon
In an article for Issues in Science and Technology, Dorothy Robyn and Jeffrey Marqusee explain how the Department of Defense’s research and innovation system is well-suited to advancing clean energy technologies in both the military and civilian sectors.
How to Reap the Dividend From Defense’s Clean Energy Investment
As Dorothy Robyn and Jeffrey Marqusee write for RealClearEnergy, many key technologies for the civilian energy sector could be advanced if the Department of Defense and Department of Energy collaborated more effectively.
Recent Events and Presentations
Reviving America’s Hamiltonian Tradition to Win the Economic Competition With China
Please join ITIF for an all-day conference with leading experts and policymakers to explore why and how Washington can look to Hamiltonianism for guidance in how to win the techno-economic contest with China.
Buying Power: How Federal Procurement Can Drive Clean Energy Innovation
Join ITIF for an expert panel discussion about a new report by ITIF board member and former DOD and GSA sustainability leader Dorothy Robyn.
How to Make U.S. Manufacturing Clean and Competitive in the Global Low-Carbon Economy
ITIF hosted a discussion about a recently released report, in partnership with Boston University’s Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Fraunhofer USA Center for Manufacturing Innovation, outlining policy recommendations to integrate the U.S. manufacturing innovation and competitiveness agenda with emerging national climate policies.
Less Certain than Death: Using Tax Incentives to Drive Clean Energy Innovation
ITIF hosted a briefing and released a new report on using tax incentives to drive clean energy innovation.
China’s Impact on the Solar Industry: Lessons for the Future of Clean Energy
ITIF and the Bipartisan Policy Center held an expert panel exploring the history solar energy innovations, China's role and influence on solar's diffusion as a leading manufacturer of solar panels, and the future of clean energy innovation.
Taking the Fight to Clean Energy: What the Military’s Investment in Energy Innovation for the Warfighter Means for the Rest of Us
ITIF released a comprehensive report on DOD’s energy innovation effort and hosted an expert panel discussion on its relevance to the fight to reduce carbon emissions, including ways civilian agencies might better leverage DOD’s investments.
Closing the Innovation Gap in Grid-Scale Energy Storage
Please join ITIF for the release of an MIT Energy Initiative working paper. The report’s authors, ITIF Senior Fellow David M. Hart and MIT Professor Bill Bonvillian, will present their findings and discuss policy options for grid-scale storage with an expert panel.
Clean Energy Innovation: Seeking a Path Forward Under the Trump Administration
Join ITIF for a discussion abut the future of federal clean energy innovation policy and the release of a new report on energy innovation priorities.
Bricks and Bits: Transforming the Construction Industry Through Innovation
With its vast holdings, the government has learned a thing or two about procurement and coordinating construction management and it plays a critical role in setting standards and undertaking industry-related R&D.
Operation Energy Innovation: A Stronger, Smarter Fighting Force
Members of Congress, senior leaders from the Department of Defense and leading thinkers in the private and NGO sectors discuss energy innovation at DOD.