Emery Simon
Emery Simon is Counselor to the Business Software Alliance. He advises the BSA and its member companies on a broad range of domestic and international policy issues including intellectual property, electronic commerce, trade and security policy. The BSA's members include the leading American software and computer companies in the business of developing creative software solutions for the work-place, school and home.
Previously, Mr. Simon was the Executive Director of the Alliance to Promote Software Innovation, and was the Deputy Assistant USTR for Intellectual Property at the Office of the United States Trade Representative, where he was the principal U.S. negotiator on intellectual property. Mr. Simon has also worked for the Congressional Budget Office, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Council on Environmental Quality, and Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hays and Handler.
Mr. Simon has a law degree from Georgetown University, a masters degree in international affairs from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, and a bachelors degree in economics from Queens College.
Recent Events and Presentations
The Next Generation of IP Protection: Enhancing Global Economic Growth and Prosperity Event
A discussion of IP enforcement issues with a special keynote from Victoria Espinel, the U.S. IP Enforcement Coordinator.