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Fabrice Guerrier

Fabrice Guerrier

Founder and CEO


Fabrice Guerrier is a Haitian-American science fiction and fantasy writer, entrepreneur, musician, and actor. He founded the sci-fi and fantasy production company for writers and creatives, Syllble (pronounced Syll-a-ble). As the Founder of Syllble Studios, Fabrice helps writers hack their fullest creative potential through collaboration and crowdsourcing. His vision is to build a vibrant collective of diverse writers and creators creating together within unique fictional universes, publishing the best original work that emerges from the collective through small, independent presses and other mediums.

Recent Events and Presentations

April 26, 2022

IP Stories: Innovating for a Better Future (A World IP Day Event)

Please join ITIF, Geneva Network, Hudson Institute, the Center for Intellectual Property and Innovation Protection, Property Rights Alliance, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as we learn the stories of a few of the individuals and SMEs who rely on IP rights to innovate for a better future.

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