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George Vradenburg

George Vradenburg


Chesapeake Crescent Initiative

George Vradenburg is the Co-founder and Vice-Chair of CCI with Herb Miller and also chairs the Life Sciences Working Group. George is a prime example of the “encore career”. Nominally retired since 2003, he is a civic activist, driven by an insatiable curiosity, a wide range of interests and a passion for public service (though not public office) and a determination to “make a difference”.

With his dedication to service in the community unbounded, he currently serves as President of the Vradenburg Foundation, Chairman of the Board of The Phillips Collection (the nation’s first modern art museum), the Geoffrey Beene Foundation-Alzheimer's Initiative (committed to the early diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease) and the DC Education Compact (dedicated to fostering student success for DC public school students). He serves on the board of The Greater Washington Board of Trade, the Washington Scholarship Fund and DC Children First (supporting Opportunity Scholarships to private schools for low-income kids in DC).George is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Economic Club of Washington.

Previously, George chaired The Potomac Conference (a regional leadership organization of the business, civic and public sectors) and the Alliance for Regional Stewardship (a national nonprofit committed to more effective regional decision-making). Other board positions have included Vice Chair of the INOVA Health System Foundation, Human Rights First and the Survivors’ Fund (serving families of 9/11 victims at the Pentagon). He is also a member of the Private Sector Senior Advisory Committee of the Department of Homeland Security's Homeland Security Advisory Council; and he has founded business and nonprofit Task Forces on Emergency Preparedness for the Greater Washington Region. With his wife Trish, George founded and co-chairs the National Alzheimer’s Gala and the Alzheimer’s Action PAC and publishes Tikkun Magazine (a Jewish and Interfaith Critique of Politics, Culture & Society).

In recognition of his community service, George has received the Outstanding Community Leadership Award, the Golden Links Award from the Greater

Recent Events and Presentations

October 7, 2009

The Role of Information Technology in Creating New Kinds of American High Schools

American universities play an important role in spurring technological innovation, job creation and U.S. economic competitiveness. But they can do more, especially if the federal government makes a more concerted effort to help universities commercialize and transfer new technologies.

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