Jackie Whisman
Jackie Whisman is chief development officer at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF). In this role, she is responsible for building and coordinating ITIF’s relationships with stakeholders in industry, government, and the non-profit sector. She also co-hosts ITIF's podcast, Innovation Files, alongside ITIF President Rob Atkinson.
Whisman joined ITIF in 2014 after more than a decade of experience in federal, state, and local government; political campaigns; and the private sector.
Whisman spent five years as vice president of a boutique fundraising consultancy, where she managed development strategies for political action committees, candidates, and non-profit clients, including ITIF. In this role, she worked closely with U.S. House, Senate, and administration staff in both parties to orchestrate hundreds of events, trips, and policy programs in Washington, DC and around the country.
Previously, Whisman held positions as a GOTV director for Obama for America in 2008, content manager of an early stage online startup, legislative assistant at the consulting firm Elmendorf Strategies (now Subject Matter), and field director for former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. She began her career as a legislative correspondent in the office of former U.S. Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD).
Recent Publications
Podcast: The United States Needs a Robust Industrial Policy, With Marc Fasteau and Ian Fletcher
What is the correct economic strategy for a nation?
Podcast: Leveraging Data to Improve Communities, With Rochelle Haynes
Data-informed and evidence-based decision making can drive optimum outcomes in local governments.
Podcast: Europe Needs to Focus on Solving Its 30-Year Innovation Problem, With David Evans
Europe has been enormously unsuccessful in creating substantial digital businesses for over three decades.
Podcast: General-Purpose Technologies and the Rise of Great Nations, With Jeffrey Ding
It’s easy to get excited about new breakthroughs, but the real power lies in diffusing technological advances throughout the entire economy.
Podcast: Information Technology Is Increasingly Critical and Increasingly Demonized, With Daniel Castro
Over the last several years, public opinion on technology and the use of data has shifted from excitement to skepticism to fear.
Podcast: Remaining Realistic and Optimistic About the Promise of the Future, With Jim Pethokoukis
The future will be much improved if society fights the fear of technology.
Podcast: Embracing Innovation Is the Ultimate Key to Tackling Climate Change, With Robin Gaster
Climate change is a global problem, with two polarized viewpoints making it difficult to find a solution.
Podcast: Navigating Deepfakes While Promoting Innovation, With Ryan Long
The past few years have seen a remarkable rise in the quality and quantity of deepfakes.
Podcast: Supply Chain Origins and Innovations, With Yossi Sheffi
The term ‘supply chain’ is relatively new, but the activities involved are not as new as we think.
Podcast: The Interplay of Hype and Skepticism in Autonomous Vehicle Advancements, With Richard Mudge
Amidst the burgeoning advancements in autonomous vehicles, striking a balance between expectation and reality emerges as a challenge.
Podcast: Quantum Computing’s Potential to Drive Business Results, With Murray Thom
While quantum computing technology is maturing more slowly than other innovations, its potential is vast.
Podcast: Using Artificial Intelligence to Augment Workflow, With Nitin Mittal
Used to its full potential, artificial intelligence (AI) can assist employees, improve interactions with customers, and increase efficiency.