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John Kelly

John Kelly

Director of Analytics


John Kelly, Director of Analytics at QxBranch, is leading the company’s development of advanced data analytics capabilities, including those enabled by quantum computing technology. Previously, he was the Technical Lead for Corporate Data Analytics at Lockheed Martin, where he worked closely with the group responsible for researching applications of the world’s first commercial quantum computer. John has experience applying emerging technologies to a diverse set of domains including healthcare, supply chain optimization, sustainment, and program management. He completed his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, where his work focused on machine learning and signal processing algorithms for brain-computer interfaces.

Recent Events and Presentations

December 6, 2016

The Future of Quantum Computing: Policy Implications for National Security and Industrial Competitiveness

Please join ITIF for a thought-provoking conversation with leaders in the quantum computing field. The discussion will delve into key issues for policymakers, starting with a primer on what quantum computing is and where the technology is headed, then exploring various questions.

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